Our Connections
We have connections with other churches and organisations; see links to some of these below:
Christen Gemeinde Trier, Germany: www.cgtrier.de
Living Word Church of Jesus, Calgary, Canada: www.livingwordchurch.ca
Disciples Fellowship, Kollam, India: www.thedisciplesfellowships.org/
Word of Grace fellowship in Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA: www.wgfellowship.org/
All Nations Disciples Fellowship, India: http://www.andfchurch.net/
Isleworth Pentecostal Church, UK: https://www.isleworthpentecostalchurch.com
We also support the ministries of:
Good News Crusade: www.gnc.org.uk
Open Doors – This organisation assists and supports persecuted Christians in different parts of the world: www.opendoorsuk.org
Reaching the World – A ministry which is working in Myanmar, among other places: www.rtworld.co.uk
Mission 24 - The ministry of Jonathan Conrathe: www.mission24.co.uk
Women on the Move, UK: https://www.womenonthemoveuk.com/
Kick London: https://kicklondon.org.uk/
Riverbank Trust: http://riverbanktrust.org/